As a woman or non binary being, you might have an uncomfortable story around your breasts...

"Too small, too big, not beautiful," etc..

There are messages we've heard since childhood about our bodies that makes it easy not to fully love and accept ourselves.

This ends now.

Being intimately connected to your heart space ensures giving your energy in an aligned, sustainable way.

So you'll express more fully & authentically. Which effects all layers of your life and inner being.

But most of us don't intentionally make space to connect with our breasts.

Seriously, though...look down and smile into your heart, feel it beating. Your heart is craving for and waiting for that from you.

Without a deep heart connection, you give your energy in a way that leaves you depleted, with unaligned relationships & work, exhausted,  not feeling sexy, worthy... the list can go on and on.

I really was shocked when I started sharing my story around accepting my own breasts and found that breast owners of all shapes, sizes, life transitions (motherhood/breast feeding/pregnancy/surgery) ALL had some sort of story around not believing that their own universe-given breasts weren't beautiful!!

This ends here.

Heart Magick is a combination of breast massage, embodiment, and mindful practices.

You'll journey through layers of self love, and enter into a portal of more confidence, sensitivity, creativity, and connection...

Heart Magick is a journey of Self Love

This is unlike any breast massage course on the market because you receive everything you need to support you in the deep emotional journey of changing your relationship with your body

  • Mindfulness elements to connect you with your body so that you can get the most healing possible and so that you can increase your sensations, confidence, and ability to set boundaries with your body!

  • 5 different Breast Massage Practices to introduce you to the traditional Taoist practice and to go beyond that for deeper healing, pleasure, and self love

  • Embodiment Practices so that you have a space to process all the emotions/resistance that might come up with this deep work and also so that you can step into the person you are becoming moving forward!

  • All these elements combined give you a holistic experience with breast massage so that you can be deeply healed in your journey

Who you become with this work:

  • Shift how you relate to BODY

    Deepen your love for your boobs. You may currently wish they looked or felt different & want to accept them as they are.

  • Confident AF

    A participant of this course went topless in her community hot tub after doing the breast massage practice for the first time! You too get to step into YOU so fully that you break the rules you made for yourself.

  • Self sourced in your healing

    the breast massage and embodiment sessions in this course will anchor you to be self sourced in meeting your own needs. This gets to ripple out into the world, giving you the capacity to connect more deeply in relationship, in creativity, and in what you FEEL moment to moment

Hi, I'm Cilia! I'll be your guide in Heart Magick

I'm a Self Love & Female Sexuality Coach

Growing up in the 90s when big boobs were the "ultimate sign of beauty", I used to absolutely HATE my little boobs. I hated being called the president of the itty bitty titty committee, changing in the locker room, and the codependency I had on ultra padded bras 😂 Today, I proudly OWN my boobs and I never thought that was possible. Everything that's helped me is in this course and as I've shared my story, I've seen how much boob acceptance work is needed!! ...almost every person I've spoken to about their boobs ALSO have some sort of story of lacking self love, self acceptance, and confidence with their boobs. Which is why I created this breast massage course for women and non-binary folks! This offering combines my past experience as a yoga/meditation instructor with my training in a tantric approach to sex, love, and relationship coaching to bring you the deepest transformation in self love, acceptance, healing, and THRIVING!

Course curriculum

    1. NOTE TO CURRENT STUDENTS- Updates are in progress

    1. Welcome Video

    2. Resourcing Guide

    3. Heart Magick Prayer

    4. Integration Journal

    5. Letter to Heart

    6. Opening Ritual

    7. All Playlists

    1. A note about the Journals

    2. The original Heart Magick 11-day Journal

    3. Integration Journal

    1. Lecture: The Felt Sense

    2. Mindfulness Practice: The Felt Sense (with music)

    3. Mindfulness Practice: The Felt Sense (without music)

    4. What to Expect & How to Prepare for a Breast Massage Practice

    5. Practice Guide: Basic Breast Massage Practice

    6. VIDEO DEMO: Basic Breast Massage Practice

    7. AUDIO ONLY: Basic Breast Massage Practice

    8. VIDEO DEMO: Basic Breast Massage Practice (Adjusted for bigger breasts)

    9. AUDIO ONLY: Basic Breast Massage Practice (Adjusted for bigger breasts)

    1. Lecture: Embodiment Basics

    2. Practice Guide: Embodiment as Resource

    3. Embodiment as Resource Practice (5 minute version)

    4. Embodiment as Resource Practice (10 minute version)

    5. Practice Guide: Heart Magick Breast Massage

    6. Practice: The Heart Magick Breast Massage (VIDEO)

    7. Practice: The Heart Magick Breast Massage (AUDIO ONLY)

    1. Lecture: Slowing Down with Sensation

    2. Mindfulness Practice: Bhramari Breath

    3. Mindfulness Practice: 5 Senses Meditation

    4. Practice Guide for Magick Heart Resonance Embodiment Practice

    5. Embodiment Practice: Magick Heart Resonance Replay (January 2023 session)

    6. Embodiment Practice: Magick Heart Resonance (Audio Only)

    7. Practice Guide: Heart Melt Breast Massage

    8. Practice: Heart Melt Breast Massage(VIDEO)

    9. Practice: Heart Melt Breast Massage(AUDIO ONLY)

About this course

  • $447.00
  • 51 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

Live Round coming up Fall 2025!

Join now & do the course alone then redo it with guided live practices, live unrecorded women's circles, and more

Note: This course is currently being updated. If you join at this time, you're getting access to the course but some modules have been recently added and aren't yet fully completed. The testimonials on this page are all from the content that is already in the program so it's already powerful, it's just being updated after I've spent two years in Female Sexuality Coaching training. Fall 2025 dates TBA


“Such a deep sense of self love came from this program. I truly felt like "this is what it really feels like to love myself". This is a true expression of self care on a much deeper level than anything else I have experienced. I was surprised at how intimately I connected with my breasts on the very 1st practice. A sense of love and acceptance showed up for me. It was very calming. I loved The daily practice combined with the journaling prompts!”


“This program helped me connect more sweetly and intimately with my breasts. I'm feeling very loving and sensitive and compassionate after being in this space. I loved the daily commitment and the masterclass! ”


“I learned that breast massage is spiritual and how much wisdom is accessible through this portal. My favorite part was the making it a daily routine and taking that away from being mechanical to being sensual and in flow”


“For the first time in my life, I spent 20 minutes with my breasts! It felt so amazing to give them attention and love. I feel more connected to my breast/heart/chest area and know that pleasure is always available, it's just a matter of choosing to intentionally set time aside to connect with my body. I absolutely loved the community zoom call to connect with other women in the program!!”

Client asked to be anonymous

“I feel a deep sense of trust in my own breasts and body. I see the beauty of taking time to honor and be present with my breasts. I’ve even learned some new tools for continuing to work on opening my heart after the course.”


“During the first practice, I was nervous and a bit resistant. It helped to have Cilia guiding along and the structured, step by step massage felt like a safe way to explore. The reminders to breathe and be with my breasts- to listen to them, was very soothing and helpful in re-connecting with them. I feel safer with my breasts and more comfortable touching and exploring them. I've also softened my harsh criticism of how they look.”


“My favorite part of Heart Magick was the immense love that poured through me, my hands, and our connection. Now I feel much more open to be receiving and giving love. ”
